The worst difficulty is language, you may think you unserstand your mother tongue perfectly when you enter a lawyer's office or a court-room. You will be relieved of that mistaken impression by the time you leave either of them. Precedents, perquisites, parties of the first and second parts (these parties are not fun at all), arbitrations and litigations will entagle and confuse you.
If someone could bottle the obfuscations and obscurities the law can present to nonlawyers, it would make a fine secret weapon.
In Chile, it's even worst since the Cumplido laws came in. Justice became not to be equal to everyone. Rapers, murderers, terrorits, kidnappers and robbers have more rights than victms. So, they have been given an incentive to grow up a pleasant environment to contribute antisocial behaviors, delincuency , juvenile vandalism, violence and terrorism. People is tired of living under fear and it's certainly time to change the language and the sense in which laws are written and proposed so that the common citizen can understand them and be protected.