Wednesday 16 May 2007


A problem that requires the services of a lawyer can become a trying experience. It doesn't matter where you are from or where you live.

The worst difficulty is language, you may think you unserstand your mother tongue perfectly when you enter a lawyer's office or a court-room. You will be relieved of that mistaken impression by the time you leave either of them. Precedents, perquisites, parties of the first and second parts (these parties are not fun at all), arbitrations and litigations will entagle and confuse you.
If someone could bottle the obfuscations and obscurities the law can present to nonlawyers, it would make a fine secret weapon.
In Chile, it's even worst since the Cumplido laws came in. Justice became not to be equal to everyone. Rapers, murderers, terrorits, kidnappers and robbers have more rights than victms. So, they have been given an incentive to grow up a pleasant environment to contribute antisocial behaviors, delincuency , juvenile vandalism, violence and terrorism. People is tired of living under fear and it's certainly time to change the language and the sense in which laws are written and proposed so that the common citizen can understand them and be protected.


Anonymous said...

Greetings! I'm pleased to read your bñog and to write these words. I like both. Ms. Viviana Matus was a graduate a student in my seminar on Education and Culture . She was in a doctoral program in bilingual/bicultural education. I will always remember her because she was an outstanding student, got an "A" in my seminar. She had travelled a lot and she spoke many languages. the grade point average in excess of 3.1 indicates that t5he student is performing at an HONORS level . Ms. Matus earned a grade point average of 4.0(maximum) therefore, a superior student.
As a matter of fact,she received the master's degree (science) in Education with specialization in multilingual education , psycholinguistics and applied linguistic minor.
Dr Jenks, Dr. Brown and Dr Frechette say hi. We are waiting for your soon return. There's so much to do here.

Anonymous said...

Justice, justice , is not so good for victims.

Anonymous said...

I like your blogs, they are interesting and you write well enough to think you are cute

Anonymous said...

vivian, never go to bed mad, stay up and fight.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, perfect writing, excellent blog.

Anonymous said...

you are esxtremely right. It happens everywhere

Anonymous said...

just to say hi, i have read all you articles and i sent the blog to my friends in calfornia

Anonymous said...

good luck

Anonymous said...

Fact or Fiction?: Vitamin Supplements Improve Your Health

Americans pour billions of dollars into supplements every year—an investment in health or money down the drain?

Coco Ballantyne Fact or Fiction?: Vitamin Supplements Improve Your Health

Americans pour billions of dollars into supplements every year—an investment in health or money down the drain?

By Coco Ballantyne

Vita means "life" in Latin, and vitamins are essential for life. The World Health Organization calls them the "magic wands" used by the body to synthesize enzymes, hormones and other chemical necessities. Unable to create vitamins from scratch, the body must fetch them from outside sources—typically food. But do the pills many pop for health deliver the same benefits?

Humans need 13 vitamins to survive. Vitamins, also called "micronutrients" because they are required in minute quantities, can be grouped in two categories. There are those that dissolve in fat—A, D, E and K—and can accumulate in the body when consumed in excess. And there are those that are water soluble—C and B—which are easily excreted, as anyone who takes large quantities of vitamin C and riboflavin (B2) can testify. (Their urine is bright yellow or orange.)

The best way to get vitamins is through food, not vitamin pills, according to Susan Taylor Mayne, a professor at the Yale School of Public Health's Division of Chronic Disease Epidemiology. A major problem with supplements is that they deliver vitamins out of context, she says. The vitamins found in fruit, vegetables and other foods come with thousands of other phytochemicals, or plant nutrients that are not essential for life but may protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and other chronic ailments. Carotenoids in carrots and tomatoes, isothiocyanates in broccoli and cabbage, and flavonoids in soy, cocoa and red wine are just a few examples.

The combined effect of all these vitamins and phytochemicals seems to have much greater power than one nutrient taken alone, Mayne explains. For example, lycopene—the carotenoid that gives tomatoes their red hue—has been associated with a lower risk for prostate cancer, causing many supplement makers to rush to market pills bearing this healthy stuff. But research suggests that taking it in supplement form does not confer the same benefit as eating tomatoes or tomato products, such as pasta sauce and ketchup, that preserve some of the tomato’s chemical integrity.

A healthy diet is paramount, but is there ever a time for supplements? Meir Stampfer, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, recommends that healthy adults take a multivitamin and extra vitamin D, if they don't get a lot of sun. Taking more than the Institute of Medicine's recommended daily allowance (RDA) of certain vitamins may lower one's risk for certain chronic diseases, he says. For example, Stampfer's research suggests that men and women taking vitamin E supplements for years at a time have a lower risk for heart disease. "The evidence for benefit is weak," but there is also "good evidence for no harm" associated with taking 200, 400, or even 600 IUs (international units) per day, Stampfer explains. (The RDA levels for vitamin E are 22.5 IUs, or 15 milligrams, for men and women.)

Mayne disagrees, pointing to a recent meta-analysis suggesting that vitamin E supplementation increases mortality of all causes. "We can debate" whether this analysis shows that vitamin E supplements are harmful, she says, but "there certainly wasn't any benefit shown." With the possible exception of vitamin D, there is no need to consume more than the RDA of vitamins, Mayne contends. In fact, there is increasing evidence that excessive intake of certain micronutrients is deleterious.

Stampfer acknowledges that overdosing on certain vitamins can be dangerous. "The most common one to look out for is preformed [active form] … vitamin A. It does not take too much to get too much," he says. Try to avoid retinol, retinyl palmitate and retinyl acetate, which may increase the risk of hip fracture and certain birth defects when taken at levels exceeding 10,000 IUs.

But Mayne and Stampfer both agree that more randomized clinical trials are needed to determine the health effects of vitamin supplements—and that such supplements are critical for certain people. Many African-Americans and people living in sun-deprived areas are vitamin D–deficient and could benefit from supplements, Mayne explains. Pregnant women, and even women who might want to get pregnant, should be taking folic acid supplements to help prevent serious birth defects in their babies. People over 50 years of age can benefit from B12 supplementation because absorption of this vitamin in the digestive tract becomes less efficient with age, says Roberta Anding, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. Finally, HIV-positive patients should take multivitamins to boost immunity and slow the rate of disease progression, says Wafaie Fawzi, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Ironically, "the people who are most likely to take vitamin supplements are the people who least need them," Mayne says. The affluent and health conscious are popping supplements faster than anyone. It may not be doing any good, and it could be harming them, she says. Anding concurs: "If you eat well, you probably don't need a multivitamin."

On the other hand, as Stampfer, who takes vitamin supplement himself, notes: "If I'm wrong, then I've wasted a few dollars. If I'm right, I've lowered my risk for some diseases I don't want to have."

Vita means "life" in Latin, and vitamins are essential for life. The World Health Organization calls them the "magic wands" used by the body to synthesize enzymes, hormones and other chemical necessities. Unable to create vitamins from scratch, the body must fetch them from outside sources—typically food. But do the pills many pop for health deliver the same benefits?

Humans need 13 vitamins to survive. Vitamins, also called "micronutrients" because they are required in minute quantities, can be grouped in two categories. There are those that dissolve in fat—A, D, E and K—and can accumulate in the body when consumed in excess. And there are those that are water soluble—C and B—which are easily excreted, as anyone who takes large quantities of vitamin C and riboflavin (B2) can testify. (Their urine is bright yellow or orange.)

The best way to get vitamins is through food, not vitamin pills, according to Susan Taylor Mayne, a professor at the Yale School of Public Health's Division of Chronic Disease Epidemiology. A major problem with supplements is that they deliver vitamins out of context, she says. The vitamins found in fruit, vegetables and other foods come with thousands of other phytochemicals, or plant nutrients that are not essential for life but may protect against cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease and other chronic ailments. Carotenoids in carrots and tomatoes, isothiocyanates in broccoli and cabbage, and flavonoids in soy, cocoa and red wine are just a few examples.

The combined effect of all these vitamins and phytochemicals seems to have much greater power than one nutrient taken alone, Mayne explains. For example, lycopene—the carotenoid that gives tomatoes their red hue—has been associated with a lower risk for prostate cancer, causing many supplement makers to rush to market pills bearing this healthy stuff. But research suggests that taking it in supplement form does not confer the same benefit as eating tomatoes or tomato products, such as pasta sauce and ketchup, that preserve some of the tomato’s chemical integrity.

A healthy diet is paramount, but is there ever a time for supplements? Meir Stampfer, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, recommends that healthy adults take a multivitamin and extra vitamin D, if they don't get a lot of sun. Taking more than the Institute of Medicine's recommended daily allowance (RDA) of certain vitamins may lower one's risk for certain chronic diseases, he says. For example, Stampfer's research suggests that men and women taking vitamin E supplements for years at a time have a lower risk for heart disease. "The evidence for benefit is weak," but there is also "good evidence for no harm" associated with taking 200, 400, or even 600 IUs (international units) per day, Stampfer explains. (The RDA levels for vitamin E are 22.5 IUs, or 15 milligrams, for men and women.)

Mayne disagrees, pointing to a recent meta-analysis suggesting that vitamin E supplementation increases mortality of all causes. "We can debate" whether this analysis shows that vitamin E supplements are harmful, she says, but "there certainly wasn't any benefit shown." With the possible exception of vitamin D, there is no need to consume more than the RDA of vitamins, Mayne contends. In fact, there is increasing evidence that excessive intake of certain micronutrients is deleterious.

Stampfer acknowledges that overdosing on certain vitamins can be dangerous. "The most common one to look out for is preformed [active form] … vitamin A. It does not take too much to get too much," he says. Try to avoid retinol, retinyl palmitate and retinyl acetate, which may increase the risk of hip fracture and certain birth defects when taken at levels exceeding 10,000 IUs.

But Mayne and Stampfer both agree that more randomized clinical trials are needed to determine the health effects of vitamin supplements—and that such supplements are critical for certain people. Many African-Americans and people living in sun-deprived areas are vitamin D–deficient and could benefit from supplements, Mayne explains. Pregnant women, and even women who might want to get pregnant, should be taking folic acid supplements to help prevent serious birth defects in their babies. People over 50 years of age can benefit from B12 supplementation because absorption of this vitamin in the digestive tract becomes less efficient with age, says Roberta Anding, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. Finally, HIV-positive patients should take multivitamins to boost immunity and slow the rate of disease progression, says Wafaie Fawzi, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Ironically, "the people who are most likely to take vitamin supplements are the people who least need them," Mayne says. The affluent and health conscious are popping supplements faster than anyone. It may not be doing any good, and it could be harming them, she says. Anding concurs: "If you eat well, you probably don't need a multivitamin."

On the other hand, as Stampfer, who takes vitamin supplement himself, notes: "If I'm wrong, then I've wasted a few dollars. If I'm right, I've lowered my risk for some diseases I don't want to have."

Anonymous said...

In a 1939 radio address, Franklin Roosevelt declared, “Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth.”

Anonymous said...

When it comes to Iraq, Hillary Clinton is doing everything in her power to prove him wrong — repeatedly trying to rewrite history and belatedly catch up with public opinion against the war. The same happens in your country , the socialists said things that are not true to change the history and that's unfair .

Anonymous said...

The demands of justice are pressing in two areas: distribution and retribution. Distributive justice may require equality, giving people what they deserve, maximising benefit to the worst off, protecting whatever comes about in the right way, or maximising total welfare. Retributive justice may require backward-looking retaliation, or forward-looking use of punishment for the sake of its consequences. Justice must often be secured by institutions, which raise their own questions of legitimacy, procedure, codification, and interpretation.
Then, in Chile there is no justice at all.

Anonymous said...

estimada virginia

in every society there will always be and poor ....and that got nothing to do with social unjustice ....but it's a fact of life ...and no government can do anything about it...except for the one in cuba and before that...... russia and all the countries that formed the paradaise of assholes leftists ........mind you .... they are assholes but not so assholes as they would never lived in them much so that many comunists and extremists run like rats when Pinochet took over and begged to be given asylum in the country that they hate the most much for being a true yankie hater